People Organizers Jayadev S. AthreyaUniversity of WashingtonDynamics, geometry, sculpture, animation, fabrication, visualization David BachmanPitzer CollegeGeometric modeling, morphogenesis, 3D printing, 3-manifold topology Keenan CraneCarnegie Mellon UniversityGeometry of surfaces, geometric algorithms, and mathematical illustration Kelly DelpCornell UniversityGeometric topology, visualizations for education and outreach David DumasUniversity of Illinois at ChicagoGeometric structures, Teichmüller theory, hyperbolic geometry Ellen EischenUniversity of OregonAlgebraic number theory, modular forms, visualization for exploration/outreach Alexander HolroydUniversity of WashingtonProbability, combinatorics, computer visualization, laser cutting, puzzles, LEGO Joel KamnitzerUniversity of TorontoRepresentation theory Sarah KochUniversity of MichiganComplex dynamics, animations illustrating dynamical phenomena Alex KontorovichRutgers UniversityNumber theory, geometry, harmonic analysis Sabetta MatsumotoGeorgia TechHyperbolic space, virtual reality, textiles, 3D printing Saul SchleimerUniversity of WarwickGeometric topology, group theory, computation Rich SchwartzBrown UniversityGeometry, topology, dynamics, computer exploration Henry SegermanOklahoma State UniversityThree-manifolds, hyperbolic geometry, 3D printing, virtual/augmented reality Katherine StangeUniv. of Colorado BoulderNumber theory, Kleinian groups, computer visualization/experimentation Laura TaalmanJames Madison University3D printing, computational design, knot theory, graph theory, machine knitting Semester Participants Aaron AbramsWashington and Lee UniversityConfiguration spaces, hyperbolic origami Roger AntonsenUniversity of OsloCellular automata, Celtic knots, combinatorics, algorithmic/generative art Arthur BaragarLas VegasArithmetic geometry, number theory, geometry Sebastian BozleeUniv. of Colorado BoulderAlgebraic geometry, virtual reality Silviana AmethystU. Wisconsin - Eau ClaireAlgebraic curves & surfaces, numerical algebraic geometry, 3D printing Scott CarterKnotted surfaces, 4D polytopes, high dim fractals, 3D/4D rendering Arnaud ChéritatCNRS / Institut de Math. de ToulouseDynamics, geometry, topology, numerical experiments, applets Rémi CoulonCNRS / Université de Rennes 1Geometry, group theory, dynamics Diana DavisSwarthmore CollegeBilliards, laser cutting, outreach, active learning Gabriel Dorfsman-HopkinsICERM / BerkeleyAlgebraic geometry, number theory, interactive art, crochet John EdmarkStanford UniversityLogarithmic/phi-based spirals, pattern generation, stop-motion animation Bernat EspiguléUniversitat de BarcelonaSelf-similar sets, complex dynamics, 3D printing, complex trees, animations Frank A. FarrisSanta Clara UniversitySymmetry, complex analysis, geometry, exposition Matthias GoernerPixar Animation StudiosHyperbolic geometry, 3-manifolds, Hilbert's 3rd problem Helen G. GrundmanNumber theory, inverse Galois theory, Diophantine equations, sequences Edmund HarrissUniversity of ArkansasMath objects beyond plastic, CNC/CAM, discrete differential geometry, tilings Judy HoldenerKenyon CollegeNumber theory, visualization/experimentation for education Evelyn Lambevelynjlamb.comGeometry, topology, sewing, math communication, writing Jason ManningCornell UniversityGeometric group theory, hyperbolic geometry, cube complexes, topology Michael MustyDartmouth CollegeComputational number theory, Belyi maps Tashrika SharmaUniversität WienBraid theory, animations showing a mathematical understanding Martin SkrodzkiFreie Universität BerlinPoint set representations, data structures, cellular automata Steve TrettelStanford / ICERMLow dimensional topology, non-euclidean geometry, algebraic geometry Glen WhitneyStudio InfinityPublic math outreach, three-dimensional physical models, polyhedral compounds Jonathan WiseUniv. of Colorado Boulderinteractive visualization of moduli spaces Carolyn YackelMercer UniversityMathematical knitting, laser cutting, Catalan solids Visiting Participants Henry AdamsColorado State UniversityTopology, geometry, and mathematical art Darío AlatorreInstitute of Mathematics, UNAMAperiodic tilings, generative art, live-coding Vincent BorrelliUniversity of LyonDifferential geometry, differential topology, visualization John BowersJames Madison UniversityDiscrete geometry, circle packing, 3D printing Nathan CarterBentley UniversityGroup theory, computer graphics Albert ChernTU BerlinDifferential geometry, fluid dynamics, mathematical visualization Mahadi DdamuliraGraz University of Technology/MPIM BonnNumber theory, Diophantine equations, linear recurrence sequences Tom EdgarPacific Lutheran UniversityAlgebra, number theory, visualization for education Rebecca FieldJames Madison UniversityClassifying spaces, fabric/clothing design, 3D printing Andrew HansonIndiana UniversityQuaternions, 4D interfaces, protein and shape matching, visualization Luiz Henrique de FigueiredoIMPAGeometric modeling, computational mathematics Martin FlashmanHumboldt State University/ U of ArizonaMapping diagrams to visualize functions, linear algebra, geometry Michael E. GageUniversity of RochesterDifferential geometry, geometric evolution, educational visualization Eva GoedhartNumber theory, Diophantine equations, crochet, oil painting Bill GoldmanUniversity of MarylandVisualization of geometric structures, discrete groups, dynamical systems Bathsheba GrossmanBathsheba Sculpture LLCGeometrical sculpture for CAD/CAM media Allison HenrichSeattle UniversityKnots, games, magic, communication Catherine HsuUniversity of BristolSET, group theory, Apollonian circle packings, Euclideanity Veronika IrvineUniversity of WaterlooComputational textiles, graph drawing, education Rajaa IssaRobert McNeel and AssociatesPaneling for NURBS geometry, 3D modeling software development Eryk KopczyńskiUniversity of WarsawNon-Euclidean geometry, roguelike games, programming complex stuff Hana KourimskaTechnische Universitaet BerlinTriangulations, flat metrics with conical singularities, differential geometry Oliver LabsMO-LabsAlgebraic geometry, history, 3D printing, sculpture, math-in-glass, jewelry Daniel LautzenheiserCircle packings, fractals, hyperbolic geometry Jesse S. F. LevittUniversity of Southern CaliforniaManifold learning on knots, visualizing data clouds Taneli LuotoniemiAalto UniversityMathematics and arts, geometry, topology, pedagogical models Vince Matskovincematsko.comFractals, binary trees, digital art, polyhedra and polytopes Greg McShaneInstitut Fourier3D visualisation of surfaces in Blender, 2D illustration, WebGL with javascript Claire MerrimanOhio State UniversityVisualizations explaining math to a wider audience, continued fractions David MooreUC San DiegoRenormalization, relationships with physics Ralph MorrisonWilliams CollegeTropical geometry, algebraic geometry, graph theory Bjoern MuetzelDartmouth CollegeHyperbolic geometry, illustrating geometry, gamification of math Roice NelsonGE AviationVisualization, polytopes, honeycombs, non-Euclidean geometry, programming Marcel PadillaTU BerlinPhysical simulation, differential geometry, visualization Olga Paris-RomaskevichUniversity of Rennes 1Dynamics and geometry, billiards, public outreach, storytelling, performance Stepan PaulHarvard UniversityTeaching and pedagogy, outreach Emily PetersLoyola University ChicagoSubfactors, mathematical physics, diagrammatic category theory Joe QuinnNational Museum of MathematicsGeometric topology, visualization, pedagogy Heidi Robb and Peter BensonCherry Arbor Design, LLCTilings, knots, color, product design, laser cutting, exploring new materials David RoseUNC Chapel HillTopology, representation theory, diagrammatic methods Elissa RossMESH ConsultantsArchitectural geometry, computational fabrication, mathematical illustration Natasha RozhkovskayaKansas State UniversityRepresentation theory, quantum groups, combinatorics Evelyn SanderGeorge Mason UniversityMath Makerlab at GMU, primarily focused on 3D printing Olena ShmahaloQuanta Magazine / Simons FoundationMath & science illustration, visualizing the invisible, procedural CGI, 2D & 3D art Kenneth R StephensonU. Tennessee, KnoxvilleCircle packing, discrete conformal geometry, conformal tilings Mark J Stockmarkjstock.comComputational physics, art, computer graphics, 3D printing, data wrangling John M SullivanTU BerlinGeometric knot theory, CMC surfaces, mathematical visualization Moritz SümmermannUniversity of CologneInteractive visualizations of topology, virtual reality Hamish ToddUniversity of EdinburghInteractive communication and design, visualization, information geometry Mikael Vejdemo-JohanssonCUNY Staten Island / GCTopological data analysis, 3D printing and laser cutting, reifying mathematics Jeff WeeksFreelance GeometerGeometry/topology software and lectures for the general public Martin WeissmanUC Santa CruzNumber theory, representation theory, visualization, graphic design Katherine YeCarnegie Mellon UniversityMathematical language and notation, computer graphics, interactive diagrams